Circular Letter of the Archdiocese of Windhoek KM 352 /10/ 2021 May – October 2021


Glorify the Lord with me; together, let us praise his name.” (Ps. 34:4)



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Honouring Mary in a special way, we dedicate the month of October as the month

of the Holy Rosary. Mary, being the Mother of Jesus is so close to him that

everything we ask from her, is immediately whispered to her Son. “Since the

prayers of the Rosary come from such excellent sources – from Our Lord Himself,

from inspired Scripture, and from the Church – it is not surprising that the Rosary

is so dear to our Blessed Mother and so powerful with heaven.” (Mary in our Life

by Fr William G Most). Like Jesus who loves his Mother, we, too are invited to

imitate his love towards Mary by praying the Rosary.

“The rosary is an accessible reminder of the constant prayer of the Church, the

incessant prayer of God’s people throughout the ages. The Psalter of Mary, as the

rosary is sometimes called, is a remembrance of the Church’s deepest nature as a

community of continual prayer.” (Pope Leo XIII, 1896) With these words, I

encourage you to pray the Holy Rosary daily as a family, as a community and as a

parish for peace, justice and reconciliation in our country, for the end of the Covid

19 pandemic and for more vocations to the priestly and religious life. Likewise, let

us include Pope Francis’ “prayer intention for the month of October, calling on

everyone to pray that all Christians might be missionary disciples and open to the

demands of the Church’s evangelizing mission”. (Devin Watkins, Vatican News, 31

September 2021).




 Fr Fereks Nangolo was ordained on 26 June 2021 at R C M Oshikuku.

 Fr Linus Shipena was ordained on 03 July 2021 at Christ the King


 Fr David Paulus and Fr Kristofelius Andreas were ordained on the

same day of 24 July 2021 at Peter Canisius Parish of Anamulenge.

 Dc Eliazer Keendjele Nakakuwa, OMI is scheduled to be ordained on

13 November 2021 at R C M Okatana.

 Dc Max Hambabi Haundapiti, OMI likewise is scheduled to be

ordained on 20 November 2021 at St Theresa of the Child Jesus, Ongha.





 Dcc Protasius Uuyuni from Oshikuku Pastoral Region, is scheduled to

be ordained as a permanent married Deacon on 14 November 2021 at

Oshikuyu R C Community. Mr Protasius is born on 25 October 1970,

married to Mrs Leocardia Endjala on 23 August 2003 and has two

children. He is a teacher by profession.

 Br Antonius Tshivute Alugodhi, OMI was ordained a Deacon on 09

October 2021 at St Joseph’s OMI Scholasticate, Cedara, South Africa

by Archbishop Siegfried Mandla Jwara, CMM, Archdiocese of



During the course of the last few months, confirmation was conducted at the

following parishes:


Khomasdal 21 Khomasdal 19

St Joseph’s – Dobra 40 Holy Redeemer Parish – Katutura 65

St Boniface – Pionierspark 26 St Mary’s Cathederal 66


4.1 Final Vows:

 SMIC: Sr Helena Kasiku Simuku, SMIC – final vows on 02 October

2021 at Gunichas RCM.

 OSB-Tutzing:

Sr Emma Aindongo, OSB Sr Grace Kakweno, OSB

Sr Mercy Gabriel, OSB Sr Ester Andowa, OSB

Sr Cherubina Shiningeni, OSB Sr Theophora Hamukwaya, OSB

Sr Prisca Shilongo, OSB Sr Ottilia Mukwangu, OSB

Sr Hildegard Kandjimbi, OSB

The abovementioned 9 Sisters made their Final vows on 16 October

2021 at St Benedict’s Priory House Chapel – Windhoek.

Congratulations to all for this milestone in your lives. Be assured of our continuous



5.1 Fr Apolinarius Martin has been appointed as a care-taker Priest of

Tsumeb Pastoral area after the death of Fr Benjamin Sheelongo, effective 01 September 2021.

5.2 Fr Erastus Kapena Shimbome, OMI – was re-appointed as Provincial Superior of the Oblate Province of Namibia, on 24

September 2021 by the Superior General, Fr Louis Lougen, OMI. Congratulations, Fr KK.

5.3 Fr Jijesh Paul, MSFS – is being transferred as from end of December 2021 to early next year (2022) for further studies.

We  thank him for his contribution, especially to the youth, towards the Local Church.

5.4 Fr Sydney Sakala, OMI – originally from Zambia has received his

Obedience for Namibia from the Superior General and has been

assigned by the Provincial to work in R C M Anamulenge. We

welcome him whole-heartedly.

5.5 Fr Clement Tsita, OMI – has been transferred from Gunichas R C

M to Rundu Vicariate and was replaced by Fr Joseph Nakakuwa as

an acting Parish Priest.

5.6 Sr Celine Mariya Xavier, SJC – who arrived in 2017 in Namibia was

re-assigned to India and departed on 05 December 2020. She

worked among others at RCH hospital, doing voluntary work and

counselling of patients.

5.7 Sisters Antonia Mersch, SMIC and Adelinde Terhort, SMIC left for

good to Germany on 01 October 2021. Sr Antonia and Sr Adelinde

arrived in Namibia in 1968 and 1962 respectively as missionaries.

We thank them for their efforts to build up the Local Church over

so many years.


6.1 The SMIC – Congregation has decided to shift their

Formation House to R C M Epukiro. The local community

has embraced the idea and welcomes the Sisters whole-heartedly.

The movement will take place early next year (2022). The Sisters

will be involved both in pastoral activities and development

projects (e.g. gardening, bakery, etc.).

6.2 XXVIII World Youth Day: The Holy Father has announced

that it will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 1-6 August 2023,

with the theme: “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39). I do

hereby call upon the youth in our parishes to be pro-active, under

the guidance of those previous participants in preparing for this

WYD event around our Shepherd Pope Francis who said, “may

young people’s evangelization be active and missionary, for this is

how they will recognize and witness the presence of the living


6.3 St Joseph’s Year Celebration: This year was declared the Year

of St Joseph by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as from 08

December 2020 until 08 December 2021. May our devotion to him

help us to be committed to follow his example of obedience,

humility and care towards our families, that is, to live according to

the example of the Holy Family.

6.4 Synod 2023 Process: The theme for this Synod: “For a Synodal

Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”. The process

was solemnly opened on 9-10 October 2021 in Rome and on 17

October in each particular Church. The celebration of the XVI

Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October

2023 will be the fundamental stage. It will be followed by the

implementation phase that will again involve the particular

Churches (cf EC, arts 19-21). In this Synod, Pope Francis invites

the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life

and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God

expects of the Church of the third millennium.” Synodality is ‘the

form, the style, and the structure of the Church (Preparatory

Document). “The synodal process is first and foremost a

SPIRITUAL PROCESS. It is NOT a mechanical data-gathering

exercise or a series of meetings and debates. It is a LISTENING

process that helps us in ‘journeying together’ to discern what God

is asking from us as Church during this time, the times we live in.”

(Pope Francis).

This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s “renewal”

proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task:

by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that

has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her

experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to

achieve participation, to open Herself to mission. Our “journeying

together” is, in fact, what most effectively enacts and manifests the

nature of the Church as the pilgrim and missionary People of God.

(Preparatory Document)

6.5 Spiritual On-going Formation/Renewal: In the light of the

newly elected Parish Pastoral Council officers, Catechists Training

Courses, Youth Leadership Upgrading and Charismatic groups

which were organized in the Archdiocese helped them really to

experience growth in their Faith as they prepare for their special

ministry in their respective parish communities. Most of them

found it useful and encouraging in their faith formation. The youth

were given workshops in Leadership to enable them to lead or

animate others to Christ and to have a better understanding of the


6.6 October Month: as a month of the rosary, it has united

communities and families through this powerful prayer as we

prayed for different needs of our world: end of wars, hatred,

corruption particularly in our country and specially in our

families. Although in some communities the attendance was good,

in others were minimal. The holy Father’s intention called us “to

pray that all Christians might be missionary disciples and open to

the demands of the Church’s evangelizing mission”. (Vatican

News, 31 Sept 2021).

6.7 Universal Mission Sunday: called us all to reflect on our

baptismal commitment. Furthermore, it reminded us to actively

be involved in the mission of the universal, local Church and as

individual disciples of Jesus Christ. The missionary collection we

offer is a sign of Baptismal Solidarity – although it seems to have

been disrupted by Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the Holy

Father, Pope Francis has chosen as a theme for 2022 Mission

Sunday: “You will be my witnesses.” – Eritis mihi testes (At 1, 8a).

Thus, we have enough time to prepare ourselves in the parishes by

being actively involved in missionary work, thus, being at the

Service of the Universal Church.

6.8 General Chapter 2021 of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother

of Mercy: The CMM Regional Superior has announced their GC

to take place on 09-30 November 2021 at Tilburg, the

Netherlands. Let us keep them in prayer during this Leadership

discernment process.

6.9 OFM-Cap Councilor’s Visit: Rev Fr Mathew Sebastian

Mulangacherryil, OFM-Cap came to Namibia to visit his confreres

as from 10 October-01 November 2021. In the Archdiocese, the

Capuchins are working in St Michael’s Pastoral District (Outjo).

6.10 Priests’ Meetings during November 2021


 09/11/2021 Archdiocesan Finance Committee (09h00-


 09/11/2021 College of Consultors (15h00-17h00) – this is

changed from 11/11/2021 owing to the priestly ordination in


 10/11/2021 Presbyteral Council (08h00-12h30)

 10/11/2021 Deans’ Meeting (15h00-17h00)

 All Priests’ Meeting will take place as scheduled from 30

November – 01 December 2021 at Dӧbra RC Mission.

6.11 Archdiocese Head Office holiday closure: This is to notify

all Church personnel and the general public that the Church Office

will be closed on 11/12/2021 until 10/01/2022. For emergency,

please contact the following numbers: Cell # 081 609 2922/081

616 7115 (Sr Steph) and/or 081 733 4044 (Sr Lydia).

I wish the staff a well-deserved vacation.



We continue to pray for our sick and deceased brothers, sisters, and family,

friends and relatives especially those who suffered or succumbed as a

consequence of Covid-19 pandemic.

 Sr Symphoria Damases, HC – died 13/01/2021 Pretoria, South Africa

– aged 100 yrs.

 Fr Benjamin Sheelongo – died 15 June 2021 at Tsumeb State Hospital

and buried on 19/06/2021 at Oshikuku Mission.

 All the deceased lay faithful in our parishes. May their souls rest in

God’s eternal peace.


Undoubtedly, no one can dispute the fact that this year was indeed, a

challenging year which was full of ups and downs so far, which calls us to re-

think our way of doing things or exercising our duties. The challenges which

our society is still facing, which still call us, as a Church, to be on board and

play our prophetic role are: food insufficiency, unemployment, corrupt

activities, abuses of any kind, sanitation and housing, and above all, the

unacceptable bills being contemplated by the Parliament (e.g. abortion).

Covid-19 still poses health risks, hence we need to continue taking necessary

precautions as provided for by the Health Authority – by washing hands,

sanitizing, social distancing and mask wearing. Furthermore, let us continue

to pray for the end of the pandemic through God’s mighty intervention. May

the God who walks with us in history provide us with all the graces and

blessings we need.


Sincerely yours in the Lord,


+Most Rev. Archbishop Liborius N. Nashenda, OMI


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